Friday 30 October 2015

I survived!

I survived through the whole weekend of Comic con. Be proud of me. Three full days I spend with complete strangers but still it wasn't awkward. There were people everywhere, doing all kind of things. Funniest thing might be when there was two people playing a car game and it was shown on a big screen and there were lot of people just sitting on the floor and watching. I guess it was some sort of tournament? In my last post I told you about things I liked but nothing is perfect.

Comic con had some real problems. I think the biggest failure was on Sunday when we found out that they had only one cloakroom to use (on previous years they had two) and it got full around 11 am. After that if you came to the convention with your luggage you had to carry it with you everywhere and people who tried to chance in to their cosplays couldn't do that. Some people just decided to leave compleatly.

In Finland we don't have expos like Comic con. We have lot of conventions but they are mainly for Japanese pop culture. There are of course Finncon, for science fiction and Ropecon for role players. But there is nothing you can compare with Comic con. I'm not saying that London Comic con is better than any convention in Finland. Because it surely is not. In London they have big names and lot of people, but the heart of the organization is not made by fans, unlike in Finland. That makes a big difference.

It was easy to see that advertisement and making money had much bigger role than in Finnish conventions. Sure they got free goodies, but also load of advertisement and useless crap. What I did not expect was that in some technical things they are way behind us. 
For example the stages they have, they are enough if you have some famous person up there and all you do is ask questions. But, if you are making a cosplay show on that very same stage it's not going to work at all. The stage is small and nobody can see anything. This year there was lot of technical issues during the Euro cosplay contest, the lights went on and off very randomly and sometimes they played the music too early. Even without those problems the stage was not good enough. It was really small and unpractical.

Here is picture of the winner of Euro cosplay 2015: 

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