Wednesday 21 October 2015

Google you are my creepy stalker and over protective mom

Google never stops surprising me. Today it was reminding me about my flight to London that leaves tomorrow. Since when has Google known about my flight plans? I still don't know how. Well part of the reason why I'm not looking in to it is because a.) I'm lazy, b.) don't really care (seriously I'm not that important, if you want to spy me feel free to do so) and c.) if there are things I don't like or understand I tend to ignore them.
I'm a person who never reads those small texts after contracts so I won't be surprised if I hear some day that I have sold my kidney and brains to Google so they can do some nice experiments. I would be a little upset but not surprised.

Somehow Google manages to make me feel stalked and "over protected" at the same time. When ever I use new computer to sign in to my account I get emails everywhere telling me that I have singed in at new computer. Don't worry Google, it's just me.

I use Gmail, Google maps and Google drive almost daily. I think three different apps from same corporation is quite lot. And I'm sure there are more I'm using but just not realizing it. For example Google search. I use it so often that I don't even realize it is Google.

Is our privacy being compromised? Well most likely yes. In future probably even more. My solution to this problem is to stay as unimportant and as boring as I can. That way if somebody would accidentally stalk me they would stop very fast.

1 comment:

  1. Its easy, when it receives an email with travel information it assumes you are the one traveling and add it to their servers as your plan. My phone does the same all the time telling me how much it would take for me to get to work and when is the next bus. the funny thing is i don't even have the workplace information filled in, so i have no idea where it asumes i work at. i wonder if i have a secret job i don't know about.

    P.S. Change your language preference to english for the blog, so others that dont know finnish can know what buttons to click :D
