Monday 12 October 2015

Dear radio, please no more

Like I mentioned before radio is one of my favourite media platforms. I would like to say that it's perfect background noise to keep you awake and make you feel like you are not alone. But lately it hasn't been like that.

Since they have only voice to use when making advertising through radio it feels like they don't care how horrible songs they are making. Only thing that matters is to make sure people remember it. But is that really such a good thing? I wouldn't buy something that makes me feel annoyed.
And it doesn't end with horrible songs. They are just tip of the iceberg. There are bad puns, word plays and stories. Don't forget voice acting which is always poorly done!

I have found only one good solution for this problem. Oh, right now you might be thinking that maybe I should be using Spotify? No! That's not what I want! I want to use this huge horrible looking thing which is older than earth itself to listen music.

See picture below.

But yes! Back to my solution. Answer is the night. They play much less advertisement when people are sleeping and usually the music is also better. So I'm getting ready to say goodbye to our dear sun. I shall embrace the night and forget light. From what I know there are less people around night anyway so it's pretty much win-win situation.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I had one of those when I was a child! But i had the ectoplasm-green colored one. And I agree, sometimes the radio just manages to create something idiotic and annoying. The thing is, once they have created a feeling in you (even if its a bad feeling), its easier to alter it into something possitive. you already remember the brand, you will eventually forget if you loved or hated it, you will just remember it was relevant somehow.
