Monday 5 October 2015

Who is rescuing cinema?

This week we got to read this article about how lately older people have been going to cinemas more than before. In fact, I quote: " In Britain, the proportion of over-45s among regular film goers rose from 14% in 1997 to 30% in 2008. These figures reflect a sharp behavioral change."

Honestly I wouldn't call 16% rise in 9 years that large difference. It makes sense if you ask me. People are living longer than before so of course there are more people to go and watch movies. Whole article seemed quite narrow minded to me. It said that when they were trying to get young people to see movies they just added more special effects and action in to it. And now that young people are "stealing" movies from internet they are not going to see movies anymore. 

I would like to think that they are not going to see those movies because the tickets cost way too much and producers are underestimating their audience. No matter how cool your explosion is if I see it ten times in one minute. I will start waiting for something else. And when I realize there is nothing new or even partly interesting coming I won't be coming back. Not if the film is from the same production team.

Studios keep spending way too much money on effects and then forgets the script. Sure older people are easy way to get money with just some drama but how about if you made actually a good movie with good characters and a plot? And throw some nice effects in in. That way you could get old and young together. Only thing different with old and young is that old people are not stupid enough to pay money for a movie without story and young people just want to get away for a while. We are not going to bay 12 bucks so we can try to concentrate on some super long speech, at least when you are watching pointless action and explosions it feels like your brains are on vacation.

I think the whole article stereotyped all audiences. Old people are not boring and young are not stupid.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed, even some movies with No effects or with effects that would make someone cry can be great movies! It's like the age fight whats best? Story or graphics? at least in games I consider story to be most important, so why not Hollywood? Also the remaking all the movies that we have seen before and changin them a bit. why not make something new?
