Monday 2 November 2015

Twitter stalking

I had hard time choosing who to follow on Twitter. Honestly I'm not that interested in celebrity’s life. As long as the person is good at what they do I'm happy. Lot of actors and writers are already giving lot of their time just to produce good stuff, it feels little greedy to expect them to give us their personal life too. Though it's not really like that. Their facebook and twitter accounts mostly are just part of the campaign.
That's why I find it even more boring. Why would I want to follow somebody who is just trying to keep up good image?

After long time thinking I choice Billy Boyd. Why? I'm not the biggest Lotr fan but once upon a time I was in London Winter film and comic con. It was pretty small event. They had lot of guests and Billy Boyd was one of them. As the day was ending and they were closing doors I saw him walking through them. There would have been plenty of time to ask for picture with him but as a regular antisocial Finn I was too scared to do so. And I wasn't just scared, somehow it felt rude to go and ask a picture with some stranger? You don't do that with people you don't know. Right?

Because of that I have quite bitter memories whenever I hear Boyd's name so I though maybe following him on twitter would help. But no. Honestly Boyd's twitter is quite boring. It's like he goes there always once in a day and there is nothing interesting. He just wishes some people good birthday, maybe posts some selfies from backstage and he was in some expo in Canada last month? Not the most inspiriting twitter account I must say. There is no much interacting with fans. Maybe that's because he's not such a hot topic anymore? He has been doing more of a musical career lately if I have understood right.

Are his tweets boring? You can decide that yourself. Here is his one of his tweets:

"Great night with . Beautiful new guitars for 2016, wonderful people and great music from

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