Tuesday 10 November 2015


I have to write down some sort of textual analysis about Oz. (I'm not sure how good textual analysis this will make since I'm just letting out some of steam) I'm talking about TV series that run through 1997–2003. There are six seasons made of it but I have only seen first two and half seasons. Honestly, I can't remember when was the last time I saw TV show which coul wake up this many mixed feelings at me. I'm questioning my morale and what is right, what iswrong?

If you don't know, Oz is about Oswald State Correctional Facility which by the way is level 4 maximum-security state prison. So all the prisoners are supposed to be quite hard core if I may say so. And this is what makes me feel so confused all the time. I know those characters are getting what they deserve and they can simply blame themselves for it. Sure, there are bad guards and flaws in the justice system, but still they have done something we all clearly label as ”bad.” So why, why I'm feeling bad for them? If it's right thing to do and what they deserve, why I feel like something is always wrong?
Everything is moving all the time. First, somebody is the victim, then all suddenly they are the ones who do the bad deeds. You sympathize with one character but the next moment you are repelled by them. It's very upsetting. I feel like I can't trust any of the characters to please my morals.

When there are no good characters you naturally start adapting to closest one to yourself and you start looking at your own flaws. Would that be me? If I was in a prison like Oz, would I have done that? For a example, there is one character that broke another inmate's arms and helped others to break his legs too. He admits being a horrible person. All he wants is somebody to love him and I guess that's why I can't hate him. I admire it when people can admit that they are not perfect so now, even if we are talking about somebody who is violent, manipulating, lying bastard I would still be really upset if he dies.

There are so many twists in the plot and how characters grow that I'm not even going to start talking about that. I have realized how naive I am. I keep thinking that when some characters act good they will stay good.
But no, it doesn't work that way, they will make me hate them and be disappointed. Still, I keep hoping. Somebody has to have a happy ending?

You want proof that Oz is written well? We are talking about male prison. Full of males. And still they have managed to include 5 women into the plot and none of them are victims. (There are incidents but they are never portrayed as helpless.) 
They all are strong in their own way and not all of them are likeable. Some of them are cold-hearted bitches and that's why it is so awesome. They are real characters! Not just some pretty wallflowers.You actually hate them for what they are, not because they are boring.

We shouldn't ether forget their multicultural cast and all different religious you can see inside the prison. It feels corny to say, but I think Oz one of the most honest portrayals of humankind I have seen in TV. In a way it is sad. Are we living in a world where producers are not afraid to have realistic cast and characters in general unless the location of the story is in prison?

I can't help but think about other TV series which is called Orange is the new black. It also has really good cast but once again it's happening inside a prison. Actually all the prison series I can think of have multiracial cast. I don't know if they all are always portrayed fairly, but I know that they are there.
Can't we show/write/cast people in realistic way unless they are portrayed as some ones who have done something wrong?
Well I try to stay optimistic. At least it is a start. We all are portrayed as shit and filth under you shoes. That's what Oz is telling us. We all are made out of the same shit. Hopefully some day we will get more shows that are not afraid to show world as it, but this time from the good side.We can be the stars in the sky! Just don't murder, rape, drunk drive or rob a bank and the world can be yours! 

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