Sunday 20 September 2015

Trash TV you are my muse and inspiration

I watch tv a lot but somehow I manage to miss all the news. So I know nothing. You could say that missing the important information is my superpower. That and the fact I'm always hungry.

I have to come clean and tell you that my guilty pleasure is to watch american top model, or some other country's version of it. Project Runway is a great way to kill my braincells too. When I'm feeling like destroying even the last drop of my sanity I switch channel to MTV.

MTV is the GOD of trash TV. You can hardly remember that mtv used to be about music.

Ex on the beach, Geordie shore, My sweet sixteen... The list could go on forever. All these tv shows are able to destroy your mind and will to live in less than 6 seconds.
After you wake up from that coma those shows put your mind into, you start feeling like maybe there is hope for you. You feel "superior" when compared to those sad little creatures you see on your tv screen. That's why I say it's healthy to watch trash tv. It helps your self-esteem to rise.

You don't need apples to keep a doctor away! Watching how teens get drunk and are miserable is great way to start feeling happy about your own life.
That's my advice to you. :) If somebody get's even more depressed after wathcing those shows I do not take the resbonsibility.

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