Tuesday 22 September 2015

Mindtrek Day 1.

I have to say, if you give me free food at the very beginning of the day I won't care what comes next. Free food equals happiness. Second thing I found nice about Mindtrek was comfy chairs. It was hard to decide which programs to watch because the names didn't always tell enough what they were going to be about. Even so, I managed to find first day of Mindtrek pleasant and suprinsingly interesting.

Most of the programs were quite business like and gave professional feeling. There was one that wasn't so serious. Jarmo Puskala kept this presentation about "Iron Sky - Herding Cats - How to work with internet audience". There were lot of funny videos included and I think that made Jarmo's presentation lot different from other's.

He made good point about the fact that working with people through the internet is lot like herding cats. People say and do what they want. And it's actually better if you don't give people money, because when there is money involved greedy ones arrive and all they want is to get as much money as they can with as little work as possible. They let their fans comment and help with production.
Thanks to that 10 prosents of Iron sky budjet was from fan financing. Fans are happy when they can help, for example when they needed to make a fake newspaper for the Iron sky movie, they asked their fans to write articles and people were happy to do so! Imagine if you could write a crazy story and it would be published in fake newspaper?

I have to confess I didn't know that Iron sky was from the same production team as Star Wreck. But now that I know it explains a lot. His presentation was interesting but it felt he spent a lot of time talking about production of the movies. He didn't go too deep about how you communicate with people through internet but I think that's something we all going to learn sooner or later so it didn't bother me. I was just happy there was some program that was easy to listen.

Now I'm waiting to see what kind breakfast they are serving tomorrow! Here is a picture of fancy water glass they had:

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