Wednesday 9 September 2015

My awkward some skills

Social media is still little bit foreign subject to me. I boycot facebook, I don't follow any youtubers or upload anything anywhere. I have Instagram but I haven't used it for six months. Only social media I do check almost daily is Twitter. Why Twitter? Why not Facebook or something else?

Propably because in Twitter you can't tell your hole story of life, but instead it's about jokes and funny things that happenned to you today. Reading one tweet is easy way to sum up somebody's day and personally I found it relaxing way to check up on my friends.

Tumblr. That's one of the things I should use more as a person who is interested in art and stuff. Deviantart used to be the number one thing for artists to use but lately Tumblr has been taking the lead. I'm still learning to use it, hopefully someday I fill success. Honestly Tv and Radio are still big parts of my life. Brainless tv programs are what give me life at 3am when I'm trying to finnish some project, and radio is all background noise I need when I'm drawing. I quess I'm little behind my time.

I don't now how serious my FoMO is, because there are still times when I just forgot that my phone's battery is dead and I forget it for hours. The reason why I use my phone when there are people around me might be because I'm trying to escape social interaction. "Please I'm busy with my phone, don't talk to me." And that's why I try to use my phone as little as possible when talking with other people.

It's going to be interesting to see how this whole keeping a blog thing is going to work out for me and if it's going to chance my social media habits ?

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